Home All Posts Energies Shift From Reflective To Productive 7/22-7/23

Energies Shift From Reflective To Productive 7/22-7/23


Last night I felt a noticeable shift in the energies. I have been in a very reflective phase, where I have been withdrawn and not socializing or communicating with others much. Have been working on a lot more self healing and going deeper.

Last night I started to feel a sense of production come back. I ended up writing 3 new articles to submit for guest posts. I started communicating with others again.

Today I woke up and seemed to have a to do list for the week come through. When I started to meditate I wasn’t able to get anywhere as article ideas, social media posts, and a whole bunch of other things like that were in my head. That is how I know that there is more that wants to come out and be shared. Generally if there’s an article I am supposed to write I won’t be able to think about anything else when I try to meditate and have to write it out.

So it feels like the energies have shifted into a DOING/CREATING phase.

Have you also felt this? Have you felt like socializing, posting, having ideas come in, and/or creating more in the last 24 hours?


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