Home Techniques Animal Healing Techniques I’m Playing With

Animal Healing Techniques I’m Playing With


Recently a cat adopted me that humors me, for the most part, when I do healing on her haha. So I’ve been playing with some healing techniques and fine tuning other ones.

I received this one while I was laying in bed with my cat.

First you start tapping your cat with one finger rhythmically. Put the intent each tap is evenly spaced timing wise so it forms a rhythm.

I used my index finger. Then I would feel love from my heart and send it through my finger. And feel/visualize that your finger tip is glowing with white energy (or another color if that works for you). You do this while tapping.

Repeat the tapping in one spot or intuitively move the tapping to various spots on your animal friend.

You can add in tapping your own heart with your left index finger while tapping your animal friend with your right finger. And get them both in sync, so the taps are happening at the same time rhythmically. It should naturally fall into sync while you are doing it.

Do this for about 5-10 minutes.

I’m still experimenting with this one and it may be too powerful to do all the time. I did this with my cat while I was in bed and then two hours later she had the zoomies (for the first time since I have had her) at midnight. And was sprinting back and forth across the whole apartment, jumping off stairs, jumping off the bed. I haven’t seen her with so much energy since I got her. Every night except for that night she has just slept in bed with me all night.

Looking for feedback on this if you try to do it yourself and what you notice. It’s like directly linking heart and love energy and sharing it with the animal buddy.

Trapped Emotions in Animals

So far I tested releasing one trapped emotion from my cat. Since she was 5 when she was dropped off at the humane society she had the emotion of abandonment. I found it was in her heart.

Once you know what the emotion is and where it is, then you can play with techniques to release it until you get it.

For her I put my right hand on her body, in the mid section. She was laying down on the couch when I did this.

I sent healing into her heart, but then I helped her release it and had it flow from my right hand into my body and out of my left hand where I released it and put it in a violet flame pyramid to transmute. When the release happened I felt a bunch of vibrations from her with my hand. And about 10 seconds after it was released she let out a single yawn.

Get in touch if you would like to have an animal healing done for your animal buddy.




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