
My First Supernatural Experience

When I was 18 years old I was high on ecstasy dancing in the street like an idiot listening to that “Our House, our...

Light Language


Technique For Releasing Quantum Entanglements

This technique requires visualization and intention. And can also be done or be supportive to feel it at the same time. 1.) Visualize with intention...

Manifesting With Affirmations & Gratitude

See my full guest post on in5d.com here: http://in5d.com/manifesting-affirmations-gratitude/

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Under no circumstances shall Meashenu.com (Meashenu Light Healing) be liable for any damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use the materials contained on this website. In no event shall Meashenu.com (Meashenu Light Healing) have any liability to you for damages or losses that result from accessing this website.

If you choose to get any healing, reading, service, or advice through my site we will not be held responsible for anything that may or may not happen. Everything on this website and the services are intended to help with the highest degree of light and love that I can offer with only the best intentions.

If you have any questions or concerns please email me at meashenu@gmail.com. And please sign up for my email newsletter for updates, giveaways, and to keep up with my weekly blog content.